Cockroach infestation causes brief restaurant closures at downtown Calgary mall

Posted on September 17th, 2022.

Health officials have ordered downtown Calgary’s CORE Shopping Centre to hire an exterminator to deal with a cockroach infestation that briefly closed two restaurants in the mall.

Alberta Health Services issued closure orders to the mall’s KFC/Taco Bell and Ripe Tomato Pizza Bar, and work orders to Koya Japan and the mall itself, after inspectors found evidence of a cockroach infestation in the restaurants and the rear hallway between them.

The four separate orders, all made Aug. 8, noted conditions that could be “injurious or dangerous to the public health” and mandated that the businesses hire a pest control company to assess and eradicate the infestation.

As of Tuesday morning, both KFC/Taco Bell and Ripe Tomato had reopened after the health authority rescinded the order based on pest control reports and inspections on Thursday and Monday.

Work orders remained in place at Koya Japan and the mall; “however, due to successful pest control measures, these orders may be rescinded this week as well,” AHS said in a written statement to Postmedia. 


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